jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

3rd ESO: Defining Relative Clauses

Explicación en español (debes tener en cuenta que hemos dado sólo las llamadas "defining", no prestes atención a las "non-defining")




Soluciones al ejercicio de clase

1. Pass me the dictionary WHICH I put on the shelf.

2. Will you help me to do the exercises WHICH I don’t understand?

3  We won’t forget the day WHEN we went to Justin Beaber’s concert.

4 Peter has read the book WHICH I recommended him.

5. They sent me a postcard of the hotel WHERE they stayed on holiday.

6  You have to correct the mistakes WHICH you‘ve made in the letter.

7. This is my best friend WHO(M) I met at school ten years ago.

8. Is this the man WHO accused you of stealing his wallet?

9. Peter made a lemon cake WHICH is his speciality.

10. I want you to introduce you to Mrs Black WHOSE husband is an engineer.

11. Can you show me the room WHERE meetings are held?

12. I don’t know the man WHO Sue is dancing with/ with WHOM Sue is dancing.

13. We last saw Mary on Christmas Day WHEN She came to our party.

El pronombre de relativo se puede omitir en las oraciones 1,2,4,6,7,12.

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